Saturday, February 9, 2008

"BAT Russia" launches Pall Mall Super Slims Aromatic cigarettes

"BAT Russia" launches Pall Mall Super Slims Aromatic brand that will be 4th version of Pall Mall in slims format.

The launch of Pall Mall Super Slims Aromatic cigarettes will take place at the global level. Russia will be first country where these cigarettes will appear. The next market place where this brand will appear will be Ukraine and Byelorussia.

Pall Mall Slims Aromatic with activated coal filter contains 7 mg mugs and 0,7 mg nicotine. The launch of aromatic slims Pall Mall has several causes.

"Interest of customers to super slims Pall Mall cigarettes and assured growth of aromatic segment inspired us to produce new line of Pall Mall brand. Pall Mall Super Slims Aromatic are aromatic cigarettes with charcoal filter and exactly this combination makes its taste soft and keeps aroma brightly" –say Mark Herman, manager of consumer goods marketing department "BAT Russia".

This new aromatic cigarettes are produced in factory "BAT - YVA" in Moscow.
Advertising support for these cigarettes began at the end of June and it was realized on the market of 500 big cities of Russia, in media and also with help of other promotions methods.

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