Friday, June 8, 2007

Cigarettes advertising in the Past

Tobacco products advertising appeared simultaneously with cigarettes production. English and French officers began to smoke hand-rolled cigarettes after Crimean War (1854-1856).
In fact, mass spreading of cigarettes is concerned with the cigarette rolling machine which was invented by James Bonsack.

It was put into operation in 1884. The machine’s capacity was a tantamount to 48 workers. The appearing of portable safe matches, with the help of which one could light a cigarette wherever he wanted, became one more remarkable invention.

From the very beginning, advertisers used refined tricks for the advertising: in Christian countries this habit met considerable opposition.

Tobacco companies organized festivals, parachute jumps. For example, in 1903 in Canada for “Red Cross” cigarettes advertising it was arranged a rope-way crossing through Montmorency waterfall in Quebec.

The rope-walker’s clothes reflected the cigarette pack – red cross on the white background.

Often, in cigarettes packs advertisers out special cards with the images of politicians, soldiers, animals, which was collected by smokers with great pleasure.

1 comment:

jai said...

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